
A well-maintained lift will give you several years of service, but perhaps it isn’t as efficient as it used to be, or the car interior is starting to look dated or a little shabby. In cases such as this, there’s no need to replace the lift itself – we can rejuvenate it in a number of ways.

Upgrade of car interior

Practically every aspect of the car interior can be changed, from flooring and wall panels to lighting and control panels. You can even incorporate mirrors, new signage, graphics, handrails and base rails, and the latest audio visual kit.

Upgrade of electrics

The chances are that if your lift is getting on in years, the electrics could be obsolete. Our technical engineers can replace them with a modern alternative.

Upgrade of drives

We can upgrade car and landing door operating systems and hydraulic valves and tanks to improve the overall operation of the lift for several years to come.

DDA improvements

Our engineers can update your current lift with Braille panels, signage, handrails, accessible controls etc. to meet the demands of the DDA/ Equality Act.

Feel free to contact us anytime.

We are here to help you.

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